Sidst opdateret: september 2021
Velkommen til ORD OVER BORD, midrash i digtform til de fem Mosebøger. I denne omgang præsenteres kun 3, 4 og 5, mens 1 og 2 er under udarbejdelse.
ORD OVER BORD ’ligger godt i munden’ hedder det. Det giver også en åben association til det helligste sted i jødedommen, som det farisæiske parti har hovedæren for at have indført, familiernes middagsbord. En mere dulgt forbindelse er til sura 5, Bordet, som klarest illustrerer forskellene i de tre hovedmonoteismer. De ligheder der er grundet i de semitiske sprog vil fremgå af passager rundt om i digtene.
Last updated: september 2021
With this rustic, upended ‘challah basket’, allow me to introduce my midrash in verse to the Chumash. This would not have happened if I had not completed my secular rewrite of 37 Psalms of David (Det Poetiske Bureaus Forlag 2016), see Davids bedste in the menu. So, Thank You, first of all, to the editors who jammed together the tehillim, mizmorim, and shirim that make up the complex work ascribed to King David et al.
Recently I typed Active Judaism and was given a dual offer, of taking an MA in Holocaust Studies, and perusing a (short) list of Jewish athletes throughout the ages. True story, as Transatlantians say.
Writing an ancient type of text using a modern vehicle is active Judaism, as is baking a loaf in a novel form, or raising children into Jewish ethics and universality.
Midrash in verse does not contain rewrites, rather, it is a running selective commentary cum fan fiction. The bulk of the site is in Danish but googlatable. Seasoned translators might consider taking on the process of triangulating between text, translator, and writer.
All visitors are offered the midrash to the first parashah of each book of the Torah. If interested, they will buy the other 9 or 10 long poems that make up a collection, together with definitorial matter, an outline of each collection, an account of the principles of transliteration used, and numerical keys to the parashot.
Midrash in verse will not save the world but we are confident we are supplying the means to tell a better story.
Ellen Miriam Pedersen
For English, see below
Født i Vanløse (feb. 1948), men voksede op på Sydhavsøerne. Af uddannelse er hun lingvist, som litterat selvlært. Hun hører til det mindretal der poesidebuterede i Den blå Port (1990) og ikke i Hvedekorn.
Hun er uddannet på Københavns Universitet, hvor hun også har undervist i sproglige discipliner, og har været fuldtidsforfatter siden midten af 1980’erne.
Grundlaget er en ’almindelig’ intern flygtnings: Tre grundskoler og to gymnasier. I sin fritid dyrker hun have og har Maine Coon-katteri sammen med sin redaktørmand.
With 3/4 Funerian blood Pedersen is very much an islander. A full-time writer since 1984, she is basically a linguist.
To her degree in English and phonetics she has added qualifications or diplomas in journalism, classical Hebrew, and the philosophy of science.
She may argue like a progressive person but has joined the European variety of central, normative, rabbinic Judaism. Her regular synagogue in London is the New West End, with classes and Beit Midrash at the Western Marble Arch.